For Parents
For Parents
Go Make It is manufacturing careers platform, designed to help students, parents, and teachers explore the world of advanced manufacturing, and to find the information they need to pursue careers in our exciting industry.
The project was born from the local manufacturers’ need to show people how different manufacturing plants of the 21st century are from what they might expect - not a laborious, repetitive job on a production line, but a place where highly skilled experts use cutting edge technology to craft quality parts and products. It is a collaboration between public (governmental) organizations and private industry, and has been carefully crafted to give a fair and helpful representation of what a manufacturing career might look like, so that young people might see the potential for a challenging and rewarding career. After all, they are the future of this industry, and hopefully they’ll see that this industry is the future of innovation in America.

Information for parents

Picking a career didn't use to be so complicated - there was a pretty straightforward list of professions to choose from, and those haven't changed all that much in the last 100 years. But ask yourself this question honestly - do you know what the jobs of the next 100 years will be?

STEM Careers Lead the Way

Careers of the future will rely on skills in the arts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Whether your children are going to design innovative new products, build robots and drones that will change the way we live our lives, find solutions to global issues like climate change, over-population, and access to food and water, or even just work with these new technologies in their day to day role, a STEM education prepares them for the types of jobs that will be in high demand as technology advances. With startup companies revolutionizing the ways we do things, skills like coding are already giving students a significant leg up, and this pattern will only continue. You can read more about the importance of STEM to the future of American jobs via the Manufacturing Institute.

How manufacturing fits in

21st Century manufacturing jobs in America are not the laborious and repetitive roles you remember. Manufacturers across the country are desperate for young men and women with STEM skills, to work with computers much more than their hands. In an era of 3D printing, robotic assembly, and sophisticated, computer-controlled machining, there is a well-paid career opportunity, with comprehensive benefits, for anyone with the technical skills to design, program, and operate these machines. Plus, there is an ecosystem of leadership, promotion, and operational roles in every company, offering all the same perks and an exciting world to be a part of.